Join us in action and find out how you can impact the world!

Thanks for your interest in getting involved at LifeIMPACT. Over the years, more than 35,000 lives have been impacted. We often hear great life changing stories from the participants and how God has used them to change the world. LifeIMPACT events have been conducted successfully and effectively in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, India, and more…. partly because of many faithful volunteers committed in serving with us and making the “impact games” happen around the world. LifeIMPACT simply could not function without the volunteers help. We believe everyone has something to offer to impact lives for Christ.  We believe God loves to use people like you who are passionate about impacting lives. For this reason, our slogan is “L.I.F.E.” which stands for “Life Impacted For Eternity.”

Join us in action and find out how you can impact the world!


Upcoming camp:

  • 28th – 31st December 2019 (Hosted by LifeIMPACT CMM UK)

Please use the form below to leave your details, (please give us a mobile number if you’d prefer us to contact you this way). If you have any questions regarding volunteering, leave it in the message below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Note: For new volunteers, we require a short testimony, a Pastor/Minister recommendation and a form to complete, following our volunteers code of conduct. If you are a new volunteer, mention it in the message and we’ll send you a new volunteers form.

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